

The hotel was originally a 17th Century farmhouse and was altered extensively in 1785 to become an elegant Georgian home.

The property was the home of York businessman and entrepreneur, Xavier Prendergast. The theatrical connections of Mr Prendergast, who owned cinemas and theatres around York, brought many famous names to Fulford House. 

He was also responsible for bringing the Beatles to York in the ‘60’s. His son, composer John Barry, was raised here and of course had a very successful career in Hollywood – the hotel was proud to receive a blue plaque from York Civic Trust in 2017, commemorating his life and work.

In 1988 the property was granted change of use to an hotel and the present owners, Andrew and Irene Cossins, embarked on a sympathetic renovation, whilst converting the tired and run down house into a three star hotel.

Though keen to avoid the look and feel of a corporate hotel, Andrew and Irene elected to join the marketing consortium of Best Western, to help spread the word about the Pavilion, both nationally and internationally.
The hotel is naturally brimming with character and combines a long tradition of hospitality, with the best of modern amenities and a classic contemporary style that guests love.


Our Story

From an early age looking after guests in her parents Scarborough guesthouse, the seeds were sown for Irene to hopefully run her own place one day . . .
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“We read every comment people leave us immediately actioning anything we think would help to further enhance the experience"

After ten years providing accommodation for the York Theatre Royal, the opportunity finally beckoned in 1988, which was nervously but enthusiastically grabbed with both hands!

Drawing on memories of the ambience of the Pavilion Hotel in Scarborough, where the cocktail bar was the place to go in the early sixties, Irene wanted to create an elegant and stylish home from home which Fulford House as was, offered with its faded charm. 

After initially opening with eleven bedrooms, Andrew, who is responsible for the figures and development side of the business, managed to gain planning approval for a comprehensive, phased development of the whole site.

“Following conversion of the original stable block and barn, where cinema screens had previously been manufactured, the Pavilion now has fifty-seven individually styled and themed bedrooms, with a further six corporate apartments located opposite the hotel”. 
Though substantial function rooms have also been added, the largest can accommodate up to 120 guests, the whole hotel, whether old or new, provides that quirky yet stylish ambiance that was always Irene’s aim and what visitors to the Pavilion find so charming.

With one phase of development left and having poured heart and soul into the hotel for over three decades, the couple are as passionate about the Pavilion as they were in the beginning. Irene is in the hotel every day, leading a team of dedicated staff who work tirelessly to ensure that each guest enjoys their visit, which has resulted in many appreciative comments.

“People’s feedback is hugely important to us”, added Irene.

“We read every comment people leave us and immediately action anything we think would help to further enhance the experience guests will have with us in the future”.

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